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Transport Day

There is nothing that encompasses all that we are about at MatchDog quite like our Transport Day! Our rescue pups arrive in NJ and are given a big warm welcome by all of our loving volunteers and adopters, the most love they have ever experienced as of yet in their lives!

Here, you can follow the steps an adopter takes on transport day in detail so that you will know what to expect!

Our Transport Day process is changing! We will update this page as soon as we can with the new process! For now, you can check out how the process used to be, there will be some similarities.

1. Check in!

You arrive! We will get you checked in and give you an adoption folder and a bag full of adoption goodies and important information! If there is some downtime, feel free to start filling out your paperwork or walk around.


2. Adopter Huddle!

Once all adopters are there, we will gather everyone in a huddle and go over everything in the folder with you, as well as general FAQ about MatchDog and adopting a MatchDog! This will be a great refresher for you on the entire process and how the rest of the day will go as well as after you take your MatchDog home!

3. The Transport Van Arrives!

When the van pulls up, we open the doors and allow everyone to take a few pics if you'd like (It’s a really surreal and amazing thing to see for the first time, especially knowing that in a few minutes their lives will change forever!)


4. We Finally Meet the MatchDogs!

One by one, we will call out the name of each dog and hand him/her off to the adopters who came to meet them that day (you guys!). It's adorable to see each family step up and meet their new family member for the first time! (Emotions run wild at this section, make sure you bring tissues!) We'll secure a tight slip leash on each dog before we hand them to you. You can then walk your dog over to the grassy area to let them go potty.  After your matchdog goes potty, there are a few stations you'll want to hit right away in this order... (Don't worry you'll be provided a roadmap on the day to help you through the day!)

5. Food and Water

In the grassy area that you bring your matchdog over to go potty, there will be a table set up for you to pick up a bowl of food and water at. Please try your best to get your matchdog to go potty, eat and drink before going to the next station. Very important-- every matchdog MUST eat and drink at before they leave on Saturday. If the matchdog you're with is not eating or drinking, let us know!


6. Weight  Station

Next you'll go to the volunteers, They will give you an exact weight on your matchdog.


7. Meds/Records

 After having your matchdog weighed, you will head to the  meds/records station. The weight you get at the station before is so we can make sure the dosing our matchdogs receive are 100% accurate.

Kerry and other volunteers will take a good look at each dog and you will be given a bag of "take home" meds that will be explained to you on Saturday. This bag of medications was put together by our team of award winning vets. They came up with what they think is crucial for these dogs to have in their first week or so after arriving from Texas. It may contain antibiotics and medicine to help treat the gut for any possible worms/parasites which are very common for these Texas dogs. The bag of meds has very clear instructions and is very important to follow! It works wonders on these guys!!

At this station you'll also receive all the vet records for your matchdog.


8. Chill out!

After you get through the steps above, we encourage you to take as much time as you need to hang out with your matchdog walk him/her around, snuggle, whatever you need, before you make a decision. Please take your time and don't feel rushed! We want you to adopt only if EVERYONE feels it is a perfect match (your whole family/household, the dog, and us too!)

After you spend lots of time with your matchdog then it's time for the last couple stations!


9. Finalize Adoption Donation!

If we all decide it's a match, then it's time to officially make this matchdog a part of your family!! Before you approach this payment table, be sure that you have all your paperwork completely filled out and a leash & collar of your own to take your new dog home in! Here you will hand in your adoption contracts, our slip leash, and complete the payment. For payment-- The adoption fee is a nonrefundable fixed fee donation. It is tax deductable since we are a 501c3 nonprofit. We accept payment by cash, check or PayPal if you have an account. You may want to download the PayPal app ahead of time if you plan to pay that way! PayPal payment MUST be sent via friends & family so there is no fee. Don't worry, we can help walk you through PayPal that day if that's how you're paying.


9. Photo Booth!

Last but not least is the family photo! We have an area where we will take the first official family photo of any family who has adopted a dog that day. These will be added to our Facebook album later in the weekend for all of you to have access to!


MatchDog is a personal foster-based canine rescue community in South Jersey with a vision to save abandoned dogs of all ages from unwarranted euthanasia.  We rescue, match, and rehome these loving souls as companion animals in an effort to end overpopulation and abuse.

MatchDog Rescue

Let's Save Them All, Together!

We Are A Registered 501(c)(3) Charity (EIN):


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